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personal Worldbuilding project

After The Pale swallowed up most of the world, the population of Gia was forced onto the only continent left untouched, Arcardia. Now inhabited by all manner of different species - from dragons and wyverns to leviathans, harpy type creatures, and griffons - between them has developed many scuffles and conflicts, this world is no unified one.

They live in a somewhat pre-industrial age, except for one thing splitting it apart from that: Magic - which comes in the form of elemental powers.

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Arcardia is both what I have named this universe/story, and also the actual name of the world it takes place on. It is developed by me (MyUniverseinaBox), and everything on here (including the site itself) is made by myself unless stated otherwise. It will be updated a lot, especially as I keep developing the lore.

This site here is merely just for looks, because it's fun to make, and well, to show off this world I've made - So no, this universe and its species are not free to use, they're for my personal use only, but I hope you enjoy looking around!

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