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stuff I'm gonna do

Or like a checklist... these won't be done in order and some might get removed, changed, or even reverted back to 'not complete' as time goes on. This list of course does not include any art I'm going to make or anything like that. Just the seperate pages I plan to add to this site.
Page last updated: 22/08/24
Main page
This page lmao
Races/species landing page
Magic/Ichor page
Drakes species page
Avians species page
Calicos species page
Lindwurms species page
Chimeras species page
Leviathans species page
Dragons species page - currently working on
Seraphs species page
Equines species page
Serpents species page
Faes species page
Griffons species page
Map + locations page
Nations page
History page (might be merged with nations?)
Religions page
Languages/scripts page
Technology page

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