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the 12 races

There are twelve races of Arcardia; and most of them, eight of them to be exact, are generally of the quadroped, feral, shape. The other four are humanoid. The twelve races are evenly split between mono and omni elementals. Mono meaning each individual of that race has a natural affinity to a certain element; and omni meaning each individual of that race does not have natural affinities to any specific element; but they can practice magic through other means, and they can do so with any element they choose.

* Dulled out buttons = the page is not available at the moment. I'll make them public as I complete them.

Omni Races

Mono Races


Hybrids are a not particularly common sighting in Arcardia, particularly because inter-species relationships are heavily looked down upon in the mainlands. Though regardless of course, they still occur. The reason for people’s distaste of hyrbirds, however, is mostly just a bigoted one. Hybrids don’t really cause any defects like a lot of the population of Arcardia say they do. The main one that is thrown around is hybrids being infertile and having a weaker magical ability, but both are untrue. A mule is also a derogatory term for hybrids, used by mostly those in the mainlands.

All that being said, the possibility of offspring, and therefor hybrids, between some races is just impossible due to major size and anatomical differences. Listed below are impossible biological match-ups. As is probably obvious, offspring between feral creatures and humanoid creatures is not possible at all - chimeras are the only ones who have freedom of choice due to having a humanoid form and a true form.

None of this however has anything to do with whom an individual is romantically or sexually interested in, though feral x humanoid is rather rare even still ...and you can bet that those kinds of inter-species relationships are looked down upon even more than any of the others.

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